A Quick Guide to Redeem Audible Gift

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Audible allows you to gift your loved ones individual titles or membership plans. Both gift purchaser and receiver do not need an Audible membership to give or receive the gift.

You can send Audible gifts from the Gift Center or Amazon.

I have a dedicated article with a step-by-step guide to buy an Audible book as a gift that you can check out for more.

If you have received an Audible gift from someone, this article will help you to redeem the gift.

Here are 6 importan things to know about Audible gifts.

  1. If you receive a gift Audible membership while you are already an Audible member, you will get the total credits from the gift membership immediately without any interruption to your existing membership plan.
  2. If you receive an audiobook as a gift that you already own, you either get a credit or coupon instead of the title. If the gift title was purchased through credit, you will get a credit in your account. If it was purchased through cash, you will receive a coupon.  
  3. The credits that you receive as part of gift membership are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Know more about Audible credits.
  4. Audible’s gift claim code is case-sensitive. It is important to enter the claim code exactly as it appears in the email or on the gift card.
  5. If you have lost the claim code of the gift, contact Customer Support and they will resend the code via email.
  6. If you want to refund the gift, the gift purchaser can return the gift within one year of purchase.

How To Redeem Audible Gift Via Email

When you purchase an Audible gift for a family member or friend, Audible gives you the option to either send it by email or print the gift card to hand deliver.

Audible gift through email

If you received the gift in your email, click on the Redeem option in your gift email.

Audible gift in email

From the Gift Center, click on Redeem. You will need to sign in using your Amazon account information or create a new free account if you do not have one already.

How To Redeem an Audible Gift Card

If you received the gift title or membership through a gift card, you can redeem the gift with the claim code.

This method can also be used if the Redeem link is not working in your gift email.

  • Go to Audible’s Gift Center in your internet browser and click on Redeem your gift button at the top right of the screen.
redeem your gift from gift center

  • On the next page, provide the claim code you received in your email or on the gift card. The claim code is case-sensitive so make sure you enter it exactly as it appears in the email/ gift card. Click on Redeem after providing the code
redeem audible gift with code

  • Sign in using your Amazon account or create a new account to receive the gift.

If you received a title as a gift, it is available in your Audible account’s Library section. If you already had the title that you received as the gift, you will be compensated with a credit or coupon, depending on how the gift was purchased.

In case of a membership gift, you will be notified that you are an Audible member and you will immediately receive your first credit to spend.

If you are already a member, you will receive all gift credits in one go.

Why Can’t I Redeem the Audible Gift

It is a simple process to redeem an Audible gift. If you are having a problem redeeming your gift, it could be because of one of the following 5 possible reasons.

  1. You did not provide the right claim code. As explained above, the gift claim codes are case-sensitive so make sure to provide the code exactly as it appears in your email or gift card.
  2. You have already redeemed the gift and you may be attempting to redeem a recommendation that is not part of the gift.
  3. Although you do not need to pay anything to receive the gift, you need to add a billing address to confirm that the gift audiobook is available in your location. This information is required if you are new to Amazon/ Audible.
  4. Refresh your browser or Audible app so the newly received title/ credits appear in your account.
  5. As a last step, clear the cache and cookies on your browser and re-attempt to redeem the gift.

If you are still having any problems with redeeming the gift, contact Audible Customer Support and they will assist you to get your gift. 

Sohail Ahmed

I love Audiobooks and this blog features my first-hand experience with all major audiobook apps and services … Know More

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