Audible Wish List: Everything You Need to Know

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Wish List is one of my favorite Audible features. If a title intrigues you, add it to your account’s Wish List and you will be notified when it goes on a sale.

This ensures that you do not forget about a title that catches your interest. You do not have to buy an audiobook ‘now’ when you already have plenty of unfinished titles in your library.

This is an excellent feature to keep track of audiobooks you want to listen to in the future, other’s recommendations, and those ‘maybe’ titles that you want to explore more.

Tip: I have a huge Wish List with all the audiobooks that catch my attention and are recommended by others. When a wish list title goes on a 2-for-1 sale or a cash discount sale, I get notified and purchase it at a discount

It is recommended to check your Wish List every month to see if any of your Wish List titles have been included in the Plus Catalog (included in all membership plans).

Related Article: 12 FAQs about Audible’s Plus Catalog

If a Plus Catalog title is on your wish list, you can Play it or Add to Library without purchasing.

Plus Catalog title in wish list on Audible website

In the Audible app, a Plus Catalog title in your Wish List does not have the Buy option in front of it. You can tap on the title (with an arrow in front of it) and either tap on Play or Add to Library to get the title for free.

Plus catalog title in wish list in Audible app

How to View Audible Wish List

Let’s find out how to see Audible Wish List on Audible’s website, app, and mobile site.

On Audible’s website, sign in to your account and click on the Wish List option from the top navigation bar.

Wish list on the Audible's website

In Audible’s app, tap on the Library option from the bottom navigation bar and then tap on Wish List from the top navigation bar

On Audible’s mobile site, tap the hamburger icon (3 horizontal lines) in the top left corner after signing up. Next, tap on the Wish List from the options

wish List on Audible's mobile site

You can view all of the titles added to your Wish List here.

How to Add a Title to Audible Wish List

To add an Audible book to your wish list in the Audible app on Android, go to the audiobook’s details page and tap on More Options > Add to Wish List

iPhone users can add an audiobook to their wish list directly from the title’s details page

On Audible’s website, you can search for an audiobook that you want to include in your wish list and directly add it to the wish list from the search results

add title to wish list

You can also go to a book’s details page and click More Options

more options on Audible

Click on the Add to Wishlist option in the popup

add a title to wish list on Audible site

You can also add a title to your wish list on Audible’s mobile site by tapping on More Options > Add to Wish List on a title’s details page

You can add any title that catches your attention to your wish list on Audible’s website or in the Audible app.

How to Remove Books from Audible Wish List

To remove a book from Audible’s wish list in the Audible app, go to your account’s wish list and long-press the title you want to remove.

Next, tap the Remove from Wish List option and the title will be removed from your wish list.

This method works on both Android and iOS devices.

To remove a title from the Wish List on Audible’s website, go to the Wish List and you can remove any title from your list by clicking on Remove from Wish List

You can also remove a title from the Wish List on Audible’s mobile site by tapping on the 3 Dots in front of a title and then tapping the Remove from Wish List option

Remove a title from wish list on Audibel's mobile site

How to Buy Audible Books from Wish List

Let’s us have a look at how to buy titles from your Wish List.

To purchase a wish list title from Audible’s website either click on the title page to go to the title’s details page or add to the cart.

On the title’s details page, you have the option to purchase the title with cash or credit or add it to the cart.

purchase audible book from wish list

In the Audible app, tap on the Buy option in front of a title to purchase it through cash or credit.

buy a title from Wish List

You can also purchase a wish list title from Audible’s mobile site by tapping on the audiobook’s title.

If you have added the title to the cart, go to your cart (top right of the screen), checkout and confirm to purchase the title.

I hope you have a clear idea on how Audible Wish List works and how to view the list, add or remove a title and purchase a title from your Wish List.

It is currently not possible to share your Audible Wish List.

Sohail Ahmed

I love Audiobooks and this blog features my first-hand experience with all major audiobook apps and services … Know More

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